Research & Projects

The faculty of our college is highly qualified and six teachers have already completed their research projects and have been awarded Ph.D. by the University our faculty members have been honored by Pune University and North Maharashtra University by appointing and selecting them as members of various constitutional bodies like BOS, faculty, dean, paper setters, moderators & examiners framed by Pune and North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
Prin. Dr. T. S. Birajdar (Politics),
Prof. Dr. B. F. Shaikh (Hindi).
Prof. Dr. K.M.Patil (Marathi )
Prof. Dr. Mrs. C. S. Sukhdane (Commerce)
Prof. Dr. A.D.Valvi ( Defence Studies )
Prof. Dr. Miss K.D.Mahajan ( Botany )
Prof. Dr. S.M.Upasani (Zoology)
Prof. Dr. A.A.Joshi (Physics)

Currently Prof. K. M. Patil (Marathi) and Prof. A. D. Valvi (Defence Studies) have been awarded P.hd. under the Faculty Improvement Programme by the UGC and they are actively engaged in their research activities.

In the past Prof. Mrs. C. S. Sukhdane was awarded teacher fellowships in her respective subjects for completing their M.Phil. and Ph.D. research works.


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